Salcombe Yawl Training Weekend
Friday evening April 21st to Sunday the 23rd
This is the proposed agenda it may change.
Friday 7.30pm Chartroom briefing and a talke on racing rules.
Saturday 10am on water training in your Yawl.
Saturday pm club racing which will be videoed
Saturday evening supper and debrief on the day
(please book & pay for supper directly with SYC)
Will Henderson on Sunday morning talking about the rigging on a Yawl.
This event is free for SYOA members but please book
with Andrew Stirling
to receive participants questionnaire
Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association
Book your meal on line please Click
Training Weekend Supper at S.Y.C.
Saturday April 22nd 2023 for 7pm
Roasted Salmon Fillet, spinach & hollandaise sauce, broccoli & buttered new potatoes
Apple & berry crumble with vanilla custard
Please order and pay direct to Salcombe Yacht Club
it will be on there website soon
This forms part of the training weekend and will be followed by a de-brief of the day’s “on the water happenings”