There is a discard to be applied.
We are scoring number of competitors in the race + one for non starters and number of competitors for retired.
This number varies slightly due to one flight having one fewer boats in it.
This year we are planning to try something different – with all the competing Yawls sailing against each other in a Merlin week type regatta.
For those of you unfamiliar with this fleeting arrangement :-
The entry will be seeded into four mixed ability flights by a committee. The seeding should ensure as even a spread of ability across the flights as possible In order to do this entries must be received early – by Tuesday 5th August at the very latest but as soon as possible please.
We include an entry form.
Flight lists will be posted on the Yawl notice board.
Each flight will be assigned a colour and ribbons will be issued to fly prominently to aid watchhouse and competitor identification. Please make sure you collect the ribbons from S.Y.C.
In Merlin week the two races take place morning or afternoon. Our 2 races will will take place just 20 minutes apart. It is vital that competitors know which is their start time – as seen below this will vary throughout the week, and that competitors in the second race stay well away from the starting area until the first race has started. Hopefully the coloured ribbons will help establish that you have got it right!
In order to fit in the 6 races to make the maths work, we will have to fit in an extra race on the Sunday. Although you will be racing daily against the other members of your flight, you will sail against everyone else twice during the week. Hopefully this will lead to some exciting racing whatever your position in the fleet.Nick and Judith Rowell have been most kind in permitting us to try out this format in Town Regatta week. Please remember that it is experimental and participate in the racing in a courteous manner, sailing in mixed fleets will be different and the week is supposed to be fun.We hope that there will be a very big turnout for this event – Support Salcombe Town Regatta
For those of you unfamiliar with this fleeting arrangement :-
The entry will be seeded into four mixed ability flights by a committee. The seeding should ensure as even a spread of ability across the flights as possible In order to do this entries must be received early – by Tuesday 5th August at the very latest but as soon as possible please.
We include an entry form.
Flight lists will be posted on the Yawl notice board.
Each flight will be assigned a colour and ribbons will be issued to fly prominently to aid watchhouse and competitor identification. Please make sure you collect the ribbons from S.Y.C.
In Merlin week the two races take place morning or afternoon. Our 2 races will will take place just 20 minutes apart. It is vital that competitors know which is their start time – as seen below this will vary throughout the week, and that competitors in the second race stay well away from the starting area until the first race has started. Hopefully the coloured ribbons will help establish that you have got it right!
In order to fit in the 6 races to make the maths work, we will have to fit in an extra race on the Sunday. Although you will be racing daily against the other members of your flight, you will sail against everyone else twice during the week. Hopefully this will lead to some exciting racing whatever your position in the fleet.Nick and Judith Rowell have been most kind in permitting us to try out this format in Town Regatta week. Please remember that it is experimental and participate in the racing in a courteous manner, sailing in mixed fleets will be different and the week is supposed to be fun.We hope that there will be a very big turnout for this event – Support Salcombe Town Regatta
Schedule of Races:
Starting Times first Yawl start | 10.20 Competing Flights Red Flag |
10.40 Competing Flights Blue Flag |
Sunday | Red / Green | Blue / Black |
Monday | Red / Blue | Green / Black |
Tuesday | Green / Blue | Red / Black |
Wednesday | Blue / Black | Red / Green |
Thursday | Green / Black | Red / Blue |
Friday | Red / Black | Green / Blue |
There will be one discard.
Prizes will be awarded by the Town Regatta organisers. DownLoad
Salcombe Town Regatta Yawl Racing and Results