I didn’t want to remove such a well known boat as Storm from the harbour without a word of explanation. After leaving my job in September, I noticed my income reduced drastically and rapidly down to approximately £nil. With some foresight, I had expected this would happen, and prepared a number of contingency plans, one of which is to move Storm to low cost storage for a few years, so she will be kept in Worcestershire until about 2019. I have bought a road trailer so we may get down to the odd meeting, but even if so, she will be a less common sight for a few years. I don’t really want to sell her, but I would do if somebody wants that exact boat for some reason.
We have had a wonderful seven years or so with the boat. I never really intended to end up in red fleet, but when Jim decided to sell Storm, I just loved everything about her, from the wood craftsmanship to the balance and the feel of the tiller in your fingers on a beat. Some of you will know, I have crewed for a number of really excellent helms, and, more commonly, pottered around with one of the family, trying to keep out of the way. I enjoyed both modes. The sound of sailing a lap planked boat is as nice as anything, and I hope for a few more of those sunny force 2 type days we seemed to get in the 70’s and 80’s.
Thomas Mason. Y168.
Thomas. Shall miss your company in that lazy backwater of Yalton creek, whilst trying to remember where that bit of string went last year! That Graham Pike is a cheeky bugger intimating my imminent retirement to the Venus bench, and even more insulting to put a youngster like you in the same bracket!
All the best Ian
Thomas – you will be sadly missed! Hope you are back long before that or you might not recognise us. By then we will probably be with Ian McC having coffee in the Venus Cafe, putting the world to rights, watching the racing and back seat helming. Best wishes, Graham
Hi Thomas,
Karen and I are sorry to hear that you will not be sailing this year.We will miss you. hope you get back soon.
Best wishes,
Sula Bassana
Sorry to hear of Storm’s departure from Salcombe. I can attest to her marvellous qualities. She was the first Yawl I ever helmed, when I borrowed her during the Whitsun regatta in 2008. But I can also sympathise with your reasons. I hope you make it back to Salcombe well before 2019.
Andy Savell Y187/Y140