Hi Everyone

You may know that this year Yawls are racing on Saturdays in one fleet with a different handicap for the Red & Blue fleets.  The Yacht Club are trailing red fleet boats being 4 minutes in 100 minute faster.
So far this year the Yacht Club OOD’s have not managed to time all the races.  There were 3 races in the Sailing Club Series and one so far in the Summer Series.  I have talked to Jayne Morris about this issue and she will make sure OOD’s in the future know about timing Yawl races.  Nothing can be done about the earlier races so finishing positions have been used for the 4 un-timed races.
The Yacht Club apologise for this problem and they are trying to sort it out for the future.
Jon Lewis Y150
SYOA rep. on the Sailing Committee

Sailing Club Series Hiccup