Hon Secretary: Allyson Lofts – Tel: 01548 842097. allysonlofts@googlemail.com
Hon Measurer: John Donovan – Tel: 01548 852342. johndonovan454@gmail.com
Technical Adviser: Andrew Squire – ajsquire@btinternet.com
Adviser: Andrew Stirling Y161 – syoaorg@gmail.com
Committee Members
- Michael Knowles Y15 (Chairman)
- Andy Savell Y187
- Will Henderson Y183
- David Stone Y184
- Stephen Galvin Y99
Past Chairman: Jonathan Briton 2019, Andrew Reed 2015, Andrew Stirling 2011, Clive Jacobs 2009, Martin Beck 2003, Barney Greenhill 1999, Malcolm Squire 1992, Paul Maggs 1990, Geoff Sutton 1969, Alan Breach 1968.
Salcombe Yacht Club: The Secretary Office Tel: 01548 842593 Watch House Tel: 01548 843170
Email: admin@salcombeyc.org.uk
Send us a message
Got a question about Salcombe Yawls, or want to join in, send us a message using the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you.
SYOA Membership Application form
Lloyds Bank, Kingsbridge Branch
sort code 30-94-72 acct 01138428 acct for Salcombe Yawl Owners Association
I have passed this on
would like to get in touch with michael knowles for a conversation concerning the britannia project
I am not involved with k1 britannia trust but have a great interest in the former project and have followed it since 2014 and would welcome a discussion to find out more
read his bio with interest
would it be possible to have contact email or phone number or could you forward my details and ask him if he would be kind enough to contact me
stuart mcclellan