Minutes of the 45th Annual General Meeting
held at Cliff House on Tuesday 9th August 2011 at 6.45.m.
The Chairman, Clive Jacobs welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded those present that only full members of the Association are entitled to vote.
Apologies for Absence were received from David Gibbens, Barney Greenhill (Y138), Jock Lennox (Y106), Graham Murrell (Y158), Malcolm Squire, Christine Sworder (Y89), Peter Thorning (Y153)
The Minutes of the 2010 A.G.M. were adopted. Proposer: Martin Beck (Y181). Seconded by Kevin Anderson (Y93). 1 objection.
After the vote Peter Stratton (Y161) complained that the meeting had started early and said that he
wanted to object to the wording of the item under A.O.B. concerning the post Y141 Stone built boats. The Chairman said that the meeting had started on time but that he could voice his objection.
Jon Lewis (Y150) proposed that the minutes be accepted and that Peter’s objection should be discussed under Any Other Business. This was approved.
The Accounts for 2010/2011 were adopted. Proposer: Jon Lewis Seconded by Bill Fellows (Y49)
Proposal to increase the annual subscription for full members from £20 to £25
The Chairman explained that the new website is an additional expense and an increase in membership fees will help to fund this, thus preventing draining of reserves.
Proposer : Jonathan Britton (Y173) seconded by Kevin Anderson. The proposal was carried with 2 postal vote objections.
Proposal to invite Mr Tim Bass to accept Honorary Life Membership of the Association
The Chaiman said that the Committee wished Honorary Life membership to be awarded to Tim in recognition of all the work he had done on Salcombe Yawl specifications and during his time as Association secretary.
Proposer : Andrew Stirling (Y74) seconded by Dan Bridger (Y159). Approved unanimously
Tim said that he was delighted to accept.
Election of Committee.
The Chairman thanked the secretary and measurer for all their work throughout the year.
Re-Election of Hon. Secretary – Allyson Lofts
and Re-Election of Hon. Measurer – John Donovan.
Proposer: Andrew Reed (Y167) seconded by Jon Lewis.
Vote to elect Dan Bridger to the Committee
Proposer: Andrew Stirling seconded by David Fitzsimmons (Y69)
All votes in favour were unanimous.
The Chairman thanked Kevin Anderson for all his work on the Committee and presented him and John Donovan with bottles of wine.
Vote to elect Andrew Stirling as Chairman of the Salcombe Yawl Owners’ Association
Proposer : David Fitzsimmons seconded by Bill Fellows. Approved unanimously.
Andrew accepted the Chairman’s chain of office from Clive and presented Clive with an engraved tankard in recognition of his time as Chairman.
Chairman’s Address
Andrew thanked Clive and Kevin for their input during their time in office and welcomed Dan to the Committee. He then welcomed members new to the Association :- Steve Cooper Y62, John Mclaren Y84, Patricia Gilliam Y17, Matt Bennion Y31, James Gibbs, Anthony Lofts Y132 and Oliver Alsop Y160.
Andrew stated that there are several things he wishes to achieve during his term of office. He wants one Yawl fleet – to change the racing to integrate everyone in the sailing and also the social events. He will be issuing a questionnaire to determine members’ views. Communication methods will change, using the website and email as the main methods of communication. A list of members email addresses was available on a board at the meeting for members to check that their email addresses were correctly recorded.
On 1st/2nd October SYOA will be hosting a weekend event for members of the Baltic Exchange. This will be a weekend of Yawl racing and fun with the emphasis on the fun. 4 Yawls have already been offered but 11 more are required. Helms will accompany their Yawls but may allow their guest crews to helm entirely at their own discretion. Races will be short, within view of the watchhouse and will not interfere with normal Saturday racing.
The visitors will pay for any damage, will treat participants to lunch in the Club and dinner at the Winking Prawn and most significantly will give a substantial donation to the Salcombe Yacht Club and Salcombe Lifeboat.
Patricia Gilliam offered the use of Yawl 17 but this could only be accepted if she also provided a helm.
Andrew reported that traffic on the website is increasing. Stories and pictures are required, especially historical pictures.
The recent visit by a group of members and Yawls to the Golfe du Morbihan classic boat event had been a great success and as new Chairman Andrew wants to make membership of the Association to be more social and fun.
Jon Lewis requested a vote to confirm that Yawls 150,152,155 and161 are eligible to sail with the pre141 Yawls i.e. in the Blue fleet.
John Donovan confirmed that below the waterline these Stone built Yawls have the same dimensions as pre141 Stone built Yawls, they are different to Morrison designed hulls.