There may be some amendments so keep looking –
Keep up to date with any changes by signing up to
Copy the page URL in your browser and past it into:-
This calendar can upload to your own Mac/iPad/Phone or PC calendar. Best to do it in list view.
Events Calendar (Link)
Sailing 2025
Yawl Mini Series
- First race will form part of the training weekend
This race will form part of the training weekend
Saturday April 12th
Saturday June 7th
Saturday June 21st
1 discard for mini series
Saturday July 5th
Saturday July 19th
Saturday September 6th
The Yawls will race as one fleet with the new Sailing Committee approved PNs for 2022 of 1091 and 1125, red and blue respectively. This gives a 1minute 40 seconds difference per hour between red and blue boats. There will be a Prize for the overall winner of the series. Your score will be your best of five. There will be six designated races within SYC sailing series, with one discards. All races will be timed.
Opens and Regattas
- Early May Bank Holiday Open Meeting: May 3rd – May 5th
- Late May Bank Holiday Open Meeting: 24th -25th May
- Salcombe Town Regatta: August 11th – August 15th:- Book Online
- S.Y.C. Regatta: August 3rd – 9th :- Book Online
- S.Y.C. Sea Race: Saturday August 23rd
- September Open Meeting: September 27th-28th
- Falmouth Classic Weekend
- Yawl Training Weekend: April 11th/13th info :Link to the weekends agenda.
- Weighing Days: by arrangement contact Andrew Squire or Mike Knowles
Social 2025
- SYOA London Dinner at the Corinthian Sailing Club: Feb 26th
- Chairman’s Drinks: May 4th @ SYC 6.30pm
- A.G.M. Super 5th Aug
Downloads and Registration
You can now register on line at SYC for Regattas and Open meetings: Link
Sailors can enter their details on line and then pay with PayPal or credit card Pay by BACS Giving your Yawl number as a ref. Lloyds Bank Account No. 00754494 Sort Code 309472
- Buddy Check List
- SYC Regatta Sailing Instruction 2021
- SYC Racing Marks Map
- SYC Racing Flags
- Amendment To Sailing Instructions Penilty Turns
- Amended Rule 17.2
- Amended Rule 17.1