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SYOA Extraordinary General Meeting

February 20 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm GMT

The subject of pumps and methods of powering and switching them on and off was discussed at the AGM and there was broad agreement that the committee should draft proposals for changes to the Class rules to permit automatic switching on and off of battery powered pumps, by any means, including using electronic devices.
There was also mention of the possibility of allowing additional drainage holes.
Changes to our Class Rules require a 2/3rds majority of the votes cast.
Only full members may vote, but not more than one owner of a boat in multiple ownership has the right to vote.  A member owning more than one boat shall still have one vote only (see second paragraph under “7” of the SYOA Constitution).

The Committee’s proposals in respect of the Class Rules in relation to pumps and drainage holes are set out below.

The reason for holding this EGM is one of expediency to give owners some time to make any modifications to their boats within the new rules (if any) before the start of the 2025 sailing season.

We are allowing 2 months notice as per our constitution which will allow members the opportunity to comment on the proposals should they wish to suggest amendments. It would be helpful if any such comments were submitted to the Secretary allysonlofts@googlemail.com by Friday January 31st.

I have provided extracts of the relevant passages regarding voting procedures from our Constitution below. The full document is available on the SYOA website.

Full Members may vote:

EITHER in person at the EGM
OR by replying to this email addressing it to the Secretary allysonlofts@googlemail.com indicating your votes on the BALLOT FORM below
OR by post to Allyson Lofts, SYOA Secretary, The Prospect, Herbert Road, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8HW.
OR or by appointing the Chairman as a proxy on your behalf, in which case please email your instruction to the Secretary: allysonlofts@googlemail.com.

I wish you all a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and look forward to seeing you at the Corinthian on the 26th February if you are able to join us.

Mike Knowles
SYOA Chairman


Please indicate In Favour or Against for each of the 4 following proposals.
It is important to vote for each proposal 1 – 3.  This is because if proposal 1 is not passed its a 2/3rds majority then proposal 2 will be counted and then if proposal 2 fails to reach 2/3rds majority then proposal 3 will be counted.

Proposal 1: ……………………

Proposal 2: ……………………

Proposal 3: ……………………

Proposal 4: ……………………

Owner’s Name: ………………

Yawl No: ………………………

SYOA Constitution – VOTING
Attendance at General Meetings shall be restricted to members of the Association – Full, Associate and Honorary.
Full members only are entitled to propose and second motions and to vote at General Meetings, with the proviso that not more than one owner of a boat in multiple ownership shall have the right to vote. A member owning more than one boat shall still have one vote only.
Members unable to vote in person may do so by post or may appoint the Chairman to serve as a proxy on their behalf. Non-receipt of Notices and ballot papers by the Membership or postal votes by the Committee shall not invalidate the proceedings of a Meeting nor the result of a ballot.
Decisions relating to the Association’s Constitution and the Yawls’ Specification shall be subject to a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. For other matters a simple majority shall suffice. 
SYOA Extraordinary General Meeting


February 20
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm GMT